       PFC Module

     A DIP-PFC is a new system of active converter that        limits the current harmonic in the inverter power source and        unifies rectifier and PFC functions to improve power factor. A        low-power loss IGBT reduces power loss, and transfer-mold        technology miniaturizes the package. Since the package is        the same size as the company's typical DIPIPMs, the ideal,        compact, high-function inverter system can be configured.        The active filter IPM is an improved power-factor device with        low power loss that completely meets higher harmonic-wave        regulations for power sources.

         Main Applications
         Air conditioners
         General purpose inverters

         Incorporates 2 low power loss IGBTs, 4 high-speed           diodes, and an IC for IGBT drive.
         By combining an exclusive PFC control IC and an           AC reactor, it realizes a power factor of over 99%. At           the same time, it also has an output voltage setting           and various protection functions.
         Compared to conventional chopper method active           filter IPM solutions, a total system cost reduction           and power loss reduction of about 10% is possible.
         Two types in production: rated current 15A or           20Arms.

         Active Filter IPM
         Inverter PAM control is realized by using wide            control of output power.
         Contributes greatly to energy savings in air            conditioners.
         High power factor (over 99%) improves load output.
         Completely clears higher harmonic wave            regulations.

 Additional Functions
 Data Sheets
  Type Semiconductor
  PFC modules         DIP-PFC
        Active filter IPM
               English  Chinese (complicated)

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